This test measures speed and accuracy of moving mouse to the assigned position.
Number of participants for this test is 115.
Total number of Mouse positioning speed tests done is 176.
Dataset fields:
Real speed – Actual positioning speed of the mouse. This is measured in pixels per second. It is calculated by dividing the total distance the mouse passed with time.
Ideal speed – Ideal positioning speed of the mouse. This is measured in pixels per second. It is calculated by dividing the shortest distance from the initial to the final point is divided with time.
Efficiency – The ratio of ideal and real speed. It is always less than 1.
User ID – user identification (unique identifier)
Test date – Date and time of the test
Gender – User gender. This field can have two values: male and female
Right hand – this field can have values 0 and 1. Value 1 indicates that the user's dominant hand is right. 0 indicates that the dominant arm is left.
Birth year – year of birth of the user